10 Promotional Items That Cost Under A Dollar

  • Aug 30, 2017


As much as you would love to give out mini drones or VR headsets at trade shows, let’s face it; your company simply does not have the budget. No worries, even just a small gift will be enough to leave a good impression on interested prospects. We’ve provided some items below that are popular, unique, will have a positive ROI – and oh, did we mention they all cost under a dollar?


1. Silicone Mobile Wallet - $0.65


silicone- mobile- wallet- silicone mobile wallet- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


These wallets stick to the back of your phone and are great for storing a driver’s license, some business cards, or cash. They are a great giveaway for people who only want to reduce the number of items they have to carry around. 


2. Good Ol’ Fashioned Water Bottle - $0.79


water bottle- classic- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


This item is usually quite expensive due to new insulation technologies, but this timeless, good ol’ bottle does what it needs to do without any fancy additions. A great giveaway for wellness enthusiasts.


3. 2-in-1 Bottle Opener and Coaster - $0.82


bottle opener- coaster- 2 in 1- 2 in 1 bottle opener coaster- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


First, crack open a cold one using the bottle opener in the corner. Then, place that cold one on the coaster. It has two functions in one! This giveaway is unique and would be fun for events.


4. Microfiber Cleaning Cloth - $0.73


microfiber- cloth- cleaning- microfiber cleaning cloth- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


This full color, dye sublimation cloth allows you to print beautiful, detailed images for less than a buck! Everyone has a screen they need to clean, so this giveaway would be a great option for any event or occasion!


5. Luggage Tag - $0.82


luggage- tag- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow 

If you are at a trade show in a major city like Washington, D.C. or New York City, there is a high probability that many of your prospects flew out of town to see you. A luggage tag is a great, inexpensive option for these travelers who may have had trouble finding their bag on the carousel upon arrival.


6. Mints - $0.71


mints- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


At a trade show, you never know who you are going to meet! Having mints for attendees will keep your brand relevant as they pop the minty pills after their 3rd cup of coffee or their turkey sandwich with extra onion.


7. LED Key Chain - $0.82


LED- key chain- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


This LED keychain doubles as a flashlight. You never know when you will be scrambling for a dropped item in the dark!


8. A bookmark - $0.74


bookmark- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


Print books are still more popular than e-books and audiobooks. A bookmark is an affordable giveaway that leaves a lot of space for text! The bookmark above is made with seeded paper so it can be planted back into the earth!


9. A Stress Ball - $0.79


stress ball- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


The perfect desk addition! Sometimes having something to fiddle with is just what a person needs to take the edge off. 


10. Pens - As low as $0.20


pen- promotional item- under $1- local- VA- tradeshow


Pens are a timeless giveaway. We can almost guarantee that there’s been a time where you’ve had to scramble for a pen to jot down some notes. A pen is a non-intrusive item everyone loves and uses daily.


Interested in any of the items above? Need a booth or back wall to go along with your trade show plan? Contact us! 


(571) 299-6908 | expo@expobranders.com




  • Category: Budget Busters, Promotions
  • Tags: promotional items, cheap promotional products, printed promo items, custom giveaways, trade shows, trade show giveaways, custom pens